Single Aquarium Keepers
That article is about Single Aquarium Keepers. The best gift for a fishkeeper really depends on what area of the hobby they are into, and how serious they are. Here’s some ideas on good gifts for different situations:
Adult Tropical Hobbyist with a Single Tank
One of the most common situations. Snoop around a little to see what equipment they have. Equipment they might need:
-pH/ammonia/nitrite test kits. These save fish lives, but too many people don’t buy them.
-spare heater
-fluorescent light bulb of correct size and shape. These do burn out.
-fluorescent light hood. Vastly better than incandescent.
-filter inserts for their particular filter
-frozen fish food
-aquarium salt. Useful medication for several diseases, and really cheap. Also good for a few species to have permenantly in their water.
-aquarium thermometer. Essential and extremely cheap.
-hospital/quarantine tank. 5 gal tank with heater and mechanical filter. It is really, really useful to be able to quarantine sick or newly acquired fish. Second hand tanks are a good way to find these cheap.
-general aquarium book
Child with A Single Small Unheated Aquarium
-fish tank decorations. Many children adore these and they are really easy to find in any petstore. They are often among the cheapest fishtank related gifts.
-a ten gallon kit. If the child shows real interest in their aquarium, get them decent equipment. A lot of the little plastic kits are nearly junk. If a plastick kit has goldfish in them, goldfish that live more than a year or so will outgrow the tank.
-a small filter. Many of these tanks don’t come with them and it really improves tank conditions and the ease of keeping fish.
-LED tank light. Looks pretty, uses little energy and now you can grow low-light live plants.
Adult with Single Cold Water Tank
-pH/ammonia/nitrite test kits. These save fish lives, but too many people don’t buy them.
-fluorescent light bulb of correct size and shape. These do burn out.
-fluorescent light hood. Vastly better than incandescent.
-filter inserts for their particular filter
-frozen fish food
-Aquarium salt. Useful for treatment of some diseases and very cheap.
-hospital/quarantine tank. 5 gal tank with mechanical filter. It is really, really useful to be able to quarantine sick or newly acquired fish. Second hand tanks are a good way to find these cheap.
-general aquarium book