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Category: Aquarium Fish

Betta Fish Lifespan

Betta Fish Lifespan

The article gives an analysis of Betta Fish Lifespan. Fish in general don’t have a rather lengthy life expectancy and most species of fish don’t

How to breed Black neon tetras

How to breed Black neon tetras

The purpose of the article is to give you some information on How to breed Black neon tetras. You can’t escape Neon tetras, Paracheirodon innesi,

Types Of Goldfish

Types Of Goldfish

There are more than twenty types of Goldfish. Before deciding which type is best for your aquarium, it is best to get to know a

The Tropical Aquarium Fish section of Vital Information

The Tropical Aquarium Fish section of Vital Information

In this article I’ll tell you about The Tropical Aquarium Fish section of Vital Information. The most popular species of Tropical Aquarium Fish, their needs

Critiques on Shrimp

Critiques on Shrimp

This article tells you about Critiques on Shrimp. A good number of aquarium enthusiast like both the freshwater tropical fish as a lot because the

Live Freshwater Fish

Live Freshwater Fish

Have you ever bought live freshwater fish and had to take care of finding the bag of fish residence without having puncturing a whole within

Why did my fish die?

Why did my fish die?

The article concerns the following question Why did my fish die? I know it’s a fairly morbid title to an article but it is not

Betta Fish Diseases

Betta Fish Diseases

This article tells you about Betta Fish Diseases. There’s quite a few diseases that a betta fish can exhibit and you need to know the

Choosing Your Aquarium Freshwater Fish

Choosing Your Aquarium Freshwater Fish

Choosing your aquarium freshwater fish and creating the perfect environment for, what will become a multitude of healthy and happy fish, can be very exciting



In the article it is spoken in detail about Catfish. Catfish are way more offered than ever because the saltwater tank became so trendy. And

Choose Your Best Pet Fish Types

Choose Your Best Pet Fish Types

Choose Your Best Pet Fish Types. When you – fish lovers – plan to have marine environments in your rooms, you need to Choose Your

Betta Fish Fighting

Betta Fish Fighting

In the article I’ll tell you about Betta Fish Fighting. It’s a universally well-known fact that if you put betta fish together, they’re going to