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Betta Fish Diseases

This article tells you about Betta Fish Diseases. There’s quite a few diseases that a betta fish can exhibit and you need to know the symptoms for all of them in order to identify a potential sick beta fish. Betta fish diseases can be treated and they can be fixed if they’re caught early. However, the longer a disease goes unnoticed, the less chance you have or fixing it.

Betta Fish Diseases

Chlorine Poison

When there’s too much chlorine in the water, there’s nothing you can do to undue the negative effects that it has done to your fish. The only thing you can do at this point is clean the water and rid it of chlorine.

Cotton Wool Disease

If you notice a mucus looking coating on the fish, you’ll want to use 4 teaspoons of specifically marine salt for each gallon in your tank.

Ammonia Poisoning

When a tank goes uncycled or uncleansed, you might notice some inflamed gills and your fish will consistently gasp at the surface. You need to add a filter and the cycle the tank when your fish aren’t the tank then add the fish again.

Acid Fast Disease

As the name implies, this is caused by acid fast bacteria. You’ll notice some red stained rods in the skin smear. The bad news is that the lesions left behind cannot be reversed. The worse news is that the fish will die a horrendously painful death if not put out of their misery.

Velvet Disease

If you start to notice some gold dusty flecks on the body, you’ll need to raise the temperature to 85 degrees and add an anti-parasitic medication.


Usually this is identifiable as small white bumps on the body. There’s commercial treatment available specifically for ich. First, you have to change the water though or the treatment may not work.

Bacterial Infection

There’s a specific treatment called a Gram Negative anti-bacterial fish medication that you can apply to treat most bacterial infections. However, the treatment has to be given in a dark room as light will break down the treatment and it won’t be as effective.

Fin Rot

Sometimes, owners will notice their fins are starting to rot and this is usually because of a poor environment or their fins being scratched on rocks. Also, if you don’t have gravel or decorations, betta fish are known to rest on the bottom of the tanks and those will damage the fins.


You can observe dropsy in a fish usually by noticing the bloating and raised scales. Usually, this is because of a bacterial infection and sadly, there is no cure. However, cleaning the water does help alleviate some of the symptoms.

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