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Spring Tune-Up for Ponds

In the article I’m going to tell you about Spring Tune-Up for Ponds.

Spring Tune-Up for Ponds

How to Maintain Optimal Water Conditions for Healthy Fish and Plants

If you have not touched your pond since last year, you’re going to have to start with re-establishing water quality. Every pond owner should have a test kit because there can be hidden problems in water that only a kit can reveal.

To get started, you should run all the tests on your water: ammonia, nitrite, ph, kh, gh and salinity it you happen to use salt in your pond. If certain readings are not correct, here are some ways of fixing the problem

Nitrite Build-Up in Pond Water

Nitrite readings can increase following the addition of a large number of new fish to a pond or during the spring as the water temperature increases. Carry out a partial water change to help get rid of any build-up of nitrates and add a bit of aquarium salt. Clean your filter in a solution of aquarium salt and water. Leave some of the good bacteria in the medium because it’s important to start fighting the bad bacteria that has built up over the winter.

Mineral Deficiency in Pond Water

Over time, pond water can lose minerals due to being in an enclosed area. To fix the problem of tired water stripped of minerals, add a clay substrate that will revitalize your tired water and bring the mineral count back to where it should be. Partial water changes during the summer will also help replace minerals.

Low Oxygen in Pond Water

As the organisms in your pond system start to metabolize faster, it will require more oxygen. Add this to the negative effect of rising water temperatures and you will see the need for additional aeration. It is important to have plenty of oxygen in the pond in order to sustain plant and fish life plus it encourages the good bacteria to consume the sludge and debris. There are many pond aeration devices available but the most effective ones are those that are able to aerate the bottom of the pond.

Algae in Pond Water

The growth of algae is caused by too much sunlight, overfeeding fish and not cleaning debris from the pond bottom and filter. If in a sunny location, the amount of sunlight penetrating a pond can be reduced by adding more plants. To gauge how much fish food is sufficient, make sure it is all consumed within five minutes.

It is also important to vacuum the bottom of the pond. Cleaning the filter is important because debris can clog the filter and stop the good bacteria from working. Too much bad bacteria can encourage algae growth. Rather than using algaecides, UV sterilizers can control algae and it has been recently noted that barley straw can help kill off algae.

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