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Category: Aquariums

Frequently asked questions on Pike cichlids

Frequently asked questions on Pike cichlids

This article is about Frequently asked questions on Pike cichlids. Will pike cichlids eat smaller fish? Yes, most Crenicichla species are adapted to eat smaller

Setting Up A Fish Tank

Setting Up A Fish Tank

Setting up a fish tank properly, especially a brand new fish tank, is very important before you add in any fish. For setting up a fish

Chance design

Chance design

This article tells you about Chance design. Sometimes good ideas are the result of accidents. For instance, the microwave oven came about after its ‘inventor’

Back to nature

Back to nature

The title of the article is Back to nature. In the Christmas 2003 issue, I interviewed Martyn Hulyer, an experienced and dedicated reefkeeper who has

Nutrition for Marine Life in the Coral Aquarium

Nutrition for Marine Life in the Coral Aquarium

In the article I’m going to tell you about Nutrition for Marine Life in the Coral Aquarium. Feeding every life form in a coral reef

Choosing The Best Fish Tank Filter For Your Tank

Choosing The Best Fish Tank Filter For Your Tank

The following article is about Choosing The Best Fish Tank Filter For Your Tank. There is no doubt that a filtering system is the most

Unique Betta Fish Tanks

Unique Betta Fish Tanks

This article tells you about Unique Betta Fish Tanks. Want to create a unique environment and give your fish an interesting tank to live in?

Small Fish Tanks

Small Fish Tanks

Small fish tanks (also known as mini fish aquariums) can squeeze and create a place for themselves almost anywhere. You can find one in the

Aquarium Fish Tanks

Aquarium Fish Tanks

In the article it is spoken about Aquarium Fish Tanks. There are many people who love to watch the aquatic life to thrive. If you

The Algae-Eating Rabbitfishes

The Algae-Eating Rabbitfishes

In the following article you will find some basic information on The Algae-Eating Rabbitfishes. Tropical Marine Aquarium Fishes that Control Algae The rabbitfishes are underappreciated

Aquarium Care

Aquarium Care

There is MUCH more to Aquarium Care Than just Cleaning. The words Aquarium Care is mostly associated with the cleaning and maintenance of the tank

Coffee Table Fish Aquarium

Coffee Table Fish Aquarium

The Coffee Table Fish Aquarium is a stunning object, that puts attention to the center of the room. A help-full centerpiece one might say, for